(Eight cantos on Rudra)
O Ishan! I pray You, the one Who is the lord of all, Who is in eternal
Nirvana-bliss, Who is resplendent, Who is omni-present, and Who is
Brahman and Ved in totality. I adore You, Who is for self, Who is
formless, Who is without change, Who is passionless, Who is like the sky (immeasurable), and Who lives in the sky.||1||
(Eight cantos on Rudra)
O Ishan! I pray You, the one Who is the lord of all, Who is in eternal
Nirvana-bliss, Who is resplendent, Who is omni-present, and Who is
Brahman and Ved in totality. I adore You, Who is for self, Who is
formless, Who is without change, Who is passionless, Who is like the sky (immeasurable), and Who lives in the sky.||1||
I bow prostrate to You, Who is without a form, Who is the root of
sounds, Who is the fourth impersonal state of the Atman, Who is
beyond the scope of tongue, knowledge and sense-organs, Who is
the Lord, Who is the Lord of Himalaya, Who is fierce, Who is the
destroyer of fierce Kala, Who is benevolent, Who is the abode of
qualities, and is beyond the universe.||2||
sounds, Who is the fourth impersonal state of the Atman, Who is
beyond the scope of tongue, knowledge and sense-organs, Who is
the Lord, Who is the Lord of Himalaya, Who is fierce, Who is the
destroyer of fierce Kala, Who is benevolent, Who is the abode of
qualities, and is beyond the universe.||2||
I bow to You, Who is white on all like the snow, Who is profound,
Who is mind, Who is in the form of living beings, Who has immense
splendor and wealth. He has shining forehead with playful and
enticing Ganga, He has shiny forehead with a crescent moon, and
He has snake garlands in the neck.||3||
Who is mind, Who is in the form of living beings, Who has immense
splendor and wealth. He has shining forehead with playful and
enticing Ganga, He has shiny forehead with a crescent moon, and
He has snake garlands in the neck.||3||
I adore Shankara, Who has swaying earrings, Who has beautiful eye on the forehead, Who is spreadout and large, Who is happy at face, Who has a blue-throat, Who is benevolent, Who has a lion-skin around His waist, Who has skull-cap garland, and Who is the dear-Lord of everyone.||4||
I adore the Lord of Bhavani, Who is fierce, Who is immense, Who is
mature and brave, Who is beyond everyone, Who is indivisible, Who
is unborn, Who is resplendent like millions of sun, Who uproots the
three qualities (and makes us dispassionate), Who holds a trident,
and Who can be achieved with emotions.||5||
mature and brave, Who is beyond everyone, Who is indivisible, Who
is unborn, Who is resplendent like millions of sun, Who uproots the
three qualities (and makes us dispassionate), Who holds a trident,
and Who can be achieved with emotions.||5||
O Destroyer of Kamadev, Who is beyond artwork, Who is auspicious, Who causes the end of the universe, Who always provides bliss to good people, Who destroyed Pura, Who is eternal bliss, Who absolves abundant passion! O Prabhu! Please be happy, be happy.||6||
Those who don't adore the lotus-feet of the Lord of Uma (Shiv), that
men don't get happiness, comfort, and peace — in this world or the
other worlds after death. O the abode of all the living beings! O
Prabhu! Please be happy.||7||
men don't get happiness, comfort, and peace — in this world or the
other worlds after death. O the abode of all the living beings! O
Prabhu! Please be happy.||7||
I don't know yoga, japa (chanting of names), or prayers. Still, I am
bowing continuously and always to You. O Shambhu! O Prabhu!
Save me from the unhappiness due to old age, birth, grief, sins, and
troubles. I bow to You, Who is the Lord.||8||
bowing continuously and always to You. O Shambhu! O Prabhu!
Save me from the unhappiness due to old age, birth, grief, sins, and
troubles. I bow to You, Who is the Lord.||8||
Poet: Preceptor of Bhusundi
Source: Ramacaritamanasa
Svetasvatara Upanishad, chapter III:
“There is one Rudra only who rules all the worlds by His powers.
There is no one besides Him who can make Him the second. He is
present inside the hearts of all beings. He creates all the worlds and
maintains and finally withdraws them into Himself”.
Rudra represents here Para Brahman or the Supreme Self, the
Infinite or the Absolute.
Rudra, after having created all objects, draws together or takes them all back into Himself at the end of time, i.e., during cosmic Pralaya or dissolution.
Source: Ramacaritamanasa
Svetasvatara Upanishad, chapter III:
“There is one Rudra only who rules all the worlds by His powers.
There is no one besides Him who can make Him the second. He is
present inside the hearts of all beings. He creates all the worlds and
maintains and finally withdraws them into Himself”.
Rudra represents here Para Brahman or the Supreme Self, the
Infinite or the Absolute.
Rudra, after having created all objects, draws together or takes them all back into Himself at the end of time, i.e., during cosmic Pralaya or dissolution.
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